Is Freeze Dried Candy Healthier- 10 secrets


Have you ever wondered about the healthiness of freeze-dried candy? In a world where dietary choices matter more than ever, understanding the nutritional aspects of our favorite treats is crucial. In this article, we delve into the question: Is freeze-dried candy healthier? Join us as we explore the facts behind freeze-dried confections, examining their nutritional value, calorie content, and potential health benefits. Whether you’re a candy enthusiast or simply curious about healthier snack options, this article offers insights that may surprise you. Let’s uncover the truth about freeze-dried candy and discover if it’s a guilt-free indulgence worth savoring.

Is Freeze Dried Candy Healthier

What is Freeze-Dried Candy?

Freeze-dried candy is a unique form of confectionery that undergoes a specialized preservation process known as freeze-drying. Unlike traditional candy-making methods that involve cooking and sugar syrups, freeze-drying preserves the natural flavor and structure of the ingredients by removing moisture at low temperatures.

During the freeze-drying process, the candy is first frozen to extremely low temperatures. Then, it is placed in a vacuum chamber where the frozen water content undergoes sublimation, transitioning directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase. This gentle dehydration process effectively preserves the candy’s texture, flavor, and nutritional content while extending its shelf life.

One of the key characteristics of freeze-dried candy is its unique texture. The absence of moisture results in a light and airy consistency, giving the candy a crisp and crunchy texture that contrasts with the chewiness of traditional candies. This distinctive texture enhances the overall eating experience, providing a satisfying crunch with each bite.

Another notable aspect of freeze-dried candy is its vibrant flavor. By preserving the natural flavors of the ingredients without the need for excessive sugars or additives, freeze-dried candy often boasts a more intense and concentrated taste profile compared to its conventional counterparts. Whether it’s fruity candies bursting with the essence of real fruit or decadent chocolates infused with rich cocoa flavors, freeze-dried candy offers a sensory experience that is both delicious and satisfying.

Furthermore, freeze-dried candy is often praised for its convenience and versatility. Its lightweight and shelf-stable nature make it an ideal snack for on-the-go enjoyment, whether you’re hiking in the mountains or simply craving a sweet treat at your desk. Additionally, freeze-dried candy can be incorporated into a variety of culinary creations, from topping off desserts to adding a flavorful crunch to savory dishes.

In summary, freeze-dried candy represents a modern twist on traditional confectionery, offering a unique combination of texture, flavor, and convenience. By understanding the process behind freeze-drying and the qualities it imparts to candy, consumers can appreciate the appeal of this innovative snack option and explore its potential as a healthier indulgence.

Is Freeze Dried Candy Healthier

How is Freeze-Dried Candy Made?

Freeze-dried candy undergoes a meticulous process that involves several steps to achieve its distinctive texture and flavor. Understanding how freeze-dried candy is made provides insights into its unique characteristics and helps appreciate the craftsmanship involved in its production.


The first step in the freeze-drying process involves freezing the candy to extremely low temperatures. This initial freezing step is essential for solidifying the water content within the candy before dehydration can occur.


Once the candy is adequately frozen, it is prepared for the freeze-drying process. Depending on the type of candy being produced, this may involve sorting, shaping, or coating the candies to achieve the desired appearance and flavor profile.


The prepared candies are then placed in a vacuum chamber, where the temperature is gradually increased while maintaining low pressure. This controlled environment facilitates the sublimation of frozen water molecules within the candy, effectively removing moisture without causing the candy to melt.


Sublimation is the process by which frozen water transitions directly from a solid to a gas phase without becoming a liquid. This phenomenon occurs under low pressure conditions, allowing the ice crystals within the candy to vaporize without thawing. As a result, the candy retains its structural integrity and shape while losing moisture.


As the frozen water vaporizes, it is collected and condensed back into a liquid form in a separate chamber of the freeze-drying equipment. This prevents the reintroduction of moisture into the candy, ensuring that it remains dry and crisp throughout the process.


Once the dehydration process is complete, the freeze-dried candies are carefully removed from the vacuum chamber and packaged to preserve their freshness and quality. Proper packaging is essential for protecting the candies from moisture and air exposure, which could compromise their texture and flavor over time.

Quality Control:

Throughout the entire production process, stringent quality control measures are implemented to ensure that the freeze-dried candies meet the highest standards of taste, texture, and safety. This may involve testing samples for moisture content, flavor consistency, and overall product integrity before they are released for distribution.

By following these precise steps, manufacturers can produce freeze-dried candies that retain the natural flavors and textures of the original ingredients while offering an extended shelf life and enhanced taste experience. From the initial freezing stage to the final packaging, each aspect of the production process contributes to the creation of freeze-dried candies that are both delicious and distinctive.

Understanding Freeze-Dried Candy

To truly appreciate freeze-dried candy, it’s essential to understand its unique characteristics, including its texture, flavor, nutritional content, and potential health benefits. By gaining insight into what sets freeze-dried candy apart from traditional confectionery, consumers can make informed choices about their snack preferences and dietary habits.

Is Freeze Dried Candy Healthier


Freeze-dried candy is renowned for its light and airy texture, which is achieved through the removal of moisture during the freeze-drying process. Unlike traditional candies that can be sticky or chewy, freeze-dried candies have a crisp and crunchy consistency that melts in your mouth with each bite. This distinctive texture adds to the overall sensory experience of eating freeze-dried candy, providing a satisfying crunch without the excess sugar or additives found in many conventional sweets.


One of the most appealing aspects of freeze-dried candy is its intense and concentrated flavor. By preserving the natural flavors of the ingredients without the need for excessive sugars or artificial additives, freeze-dried candies offer a taste experience that is both authentic and memorable. Whether it’s the tangy sweetness of freeze-dried fruits or the rich indulgence of chocolate, freeze-dried candies deliver a burst of flavor with every bite, satisfying cravings without compromising on taste.

Nutritional Content:

While freeze-dried candy may offer a more intense flavor experience compared to traditional sweets, its nutritional content can vary depending on the ingredients used and the manufacturing process. In general, freeze-dried candies contain fewer calories and less fat than their conventional counterparts, thanks to the absence of added sugars and oils. Additionally, freeze-dried fruits retain their natural vitamins and minerals during the dehydration process, making them a healthier alternative to sugary snacks.

Health Benefits:

Freeze-dried candy offers several potential health benefits that make it an attractive snack option for consumers seeking healthier alternatives. By preserving the natural goodness of fruits and other ingredients, freeze-dried candies provide a source of vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, which can support overall health and well-being. Additionally, the lack of added sugars and artificial additives in freeze-dried candies may help reduce the risk of tooth decay and other dental issues associated with excessive sugar consumption.


Another advantage of freeze-dried candy is its versatility in culinary applications. From topping off desserts to adding a flavorful crunch to salads and yogurt, freeze-dried candies can be used in a variety of recipes to enhance flavor and texture. Their lightweight and shelf-stable nature also make them an ideal snack for on-the-go enjoyment, whether you’re hiking, camping, or traveling.

understanding the unique qualities of freeze-dried candy, including its texture, flavor, nutritional content, and potential health benefits, can help consumers make informed choices about their snacking habits. By incorporating freeze-dried candies into a balanced diet, individuals can enjoy the delicious taste and satisfying crunch of their favorite treats without compromising on their health and well-being.

Is Freeze-Dried Candy Healthier?

The question of whether freeze-dried candy is healthier than traditional candy is a topic of interest for many consumers looking to make informed dietary choices. To evaluate the healthiness of freeze-dried candy, it’s essential to consider various factors, including nutritional content, ingredient quality, and potential health benefits.

Is Freeze Dried Candy Healthier

Nutritional Content:

Compared to traditional candies, freeze-dried candies often contain fewer calories, less fat, and no added sugars or artificial additives. The freeze-drying process preserves the natural flavors and nutrients of the ingredients without the need for excess sugar or oils, resulting in a snack that is lower in calories and more nutritionally dense. Additionally, freeze-dried fruits retain their vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, making them a healthier alternative to sugary snacks.

Ingredient Quality:

The quality of ingredients used in freeze-dried candies can vary depending on the manufacturer and production process. Ideally, freeze-dried candies should be made from high-quality, natural ingredients without the use of artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. By choosing freeze-dried candies made from real fruits and other wholesome ingredients, consumers can enjoy a healthier snack option that is free from harmful additives and chemicals.

Lower Sugar Content:

One of the key benefits of freeze-dried candy is its lower sugar content compared to traditional candies. Since freeze-dried candies are made without added sugars or syrups, they offer a naturally sweet flavor without the excessive sweetness of many conventional sweets. This lower sugar content not only reduces the risk of tooth decay and other dental issues but also helps prevent spikes in blood sugar levels, making freeze-dried candy a healthier choice for those watching their sugar intake.

Portion Control:

Another factor that contributes to the healthiness of freeze-dried candy is portion control. Since freeze-dried candies are often lighter and less dense than traditional candies, it’s easier to enjoy them in moderation without overindulging. By practicing portion control and mindful eating, consumers can satisfy their sweet cravings without consuming excessive calories or sugar, promoting a healthier balance in their diet.

Potential Health Benefits:

In addition to being lower in calories and sugar, freeze-dried candies may offer potential health benefits due to their natural ingredients and nutrient content. For example, freeze-dried fruits are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, which can support overall health and well-being. Incorporating freeze-dried candies into a balanced diet can provide a source of essential nutrients while satisfying cravings for something sweet and delicious.

In summary, freeze-dried candy offers several potential health benefits compared to traditional candies, including lower calorie and sugar content, higher nutrient density, and portion control. By choosing freeze-dried candies made from high-quality ingredients and enjoying them in moderation, consumers can indulge their sweet tooth without compromising their health and wellness.

Health Considerations and Nutritional Value

When evaluating the healthiness of freeze-dried candy, it’s essential to consider its nutritional value and how it fits into a balanced diet. While freeze-dried candy may offer certain benefits compared to traditional sweets, it’s important to be mindful of potential health considerations and make informed choices based on individual dietary needs and preferences.

Caloric Content:

Freeze-dried candy typically contains fewer calories than traditional candies due to the absence of added sugars and fats. However, it’s essential to be mindful of portion sizes to avoid consuming excess calories. While freeze-dried candies may be lower in calories, they should still be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Sugar Content:

One of the main advantages of freeze-dried candy is its lower sugar content compared to traditional candies. Since freeze-dried candies are made without added sugars or syrups, they offer a naturally sweet flavor without the excessive sweetness of many conventional sweets. This lower sugar content makes freeze-dried candy a healthier option for those looking to reduce their sugar intake or manage conditions such as diabetes or obesity.

Nutrient Density:

Freeze-dried candies made from real fruits and other wholesome ingredients can be a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. The freeze-drying process preserves the natural nutrients of the ingredients, making freeze-dried candies a nutrient-dense snack option. Incorporating freeze-dried candies into a balanced diet can provide essential nutrients while satisfying cravings for something sweet and delicious.


While freeze-dried candy is lower in moisture content compared to traditional candies, it’s essential to stay hydrated when consuming these snacks. Since freeze-dried candies can be more concentrated in flavor and texture, drinking water or other fluids alongside them can help prevent dehydration and promote proper digestion. Maintaining adequate hydration is important for overall health and well-being, regardless of the type of snacks consumed.

Dental Health:

Another consideration when consuming freeze-dried candy is its potential impact on dental health. While freeze-dried candies may be lower in sugar compared to traditional sweets, they can still stick to teeth and contribute to tooth decay if proper oral hygiene is not maintained. To minimize the risk of dental issues, it’s important to brush and floss regularly and enjoy freeze-dried candies as part of a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutritious foods.

freeze-dried candy can be a healthier alternative to traditional sweets due to its lower calorie and sugar content, higher nutrient density, and portion control. By considering factors such as caloric intake, sugar content, nutrient density, hydration, and dental health, consumers can make informed choices about incorporating freeze-dried candies into their diet while promoting overall health and wellness.

Conscious Consumption: A Balanced Perspective

While freeze-dried candy may offer certain health benefits compared to traditional sweets, it’s important to approach consumption with mindfulness and a balanced perspective. By considering various factors such as personal dietary preferences, nutritional needs, and overall lifestyle choices, consumers can make informed decisions about incorporating freeze-dried candy into their diet.


Like any indulgence, freeze-dried candy should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. While freeze-dried candies may be lower in calories and sugar compared to traditional sweets, excessive consumption can still contribute to weight gain and other health issues. Practicing portion control and mindful eating can help prevent overindulgence and promote a healthier relationship with food.


While freeze-dried candy can be a delicious and convenient snack option, it’s important to vary your diet and include a wide range of nutritious foods. Incorporating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your meals and snacks provides essential nutrients and promotes overall health and well-being. By enjoying freeze-dried candy alongside a balanced diet, you can satisfy your sweet cravings while nourishing your body with a diverse array of nutrients.


Since freeze-dried candy is lower in moisture content compared to traditional candies, it’s important to stay hydrated when consuming these snacks. Drinking water or other fluids alongside freeze-dried candy can help prevent dehydration and promote proper digestion. Maintaining adequate hydration is essential for overall health and well-being, regardless of the type of snacks consumed.

Physical Activity:

Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can help offset the calories consumed from freeze-dried candy and other treats. Whether it’s going for a walk, hitting the gym, or practicing yoga, finding enjoyable ways to stay active can support weight management, improve mood, and boost overall health. Pairing freeze-dried candy with physical activity can create a balanced approach to health and wellness.

Mindful Eating:

Practicing mindful eating involves paying attention to the sensory experience of eating, including taste, texture, and satisfaction. By savoring each bite of freeze-dried candy and being present in the moment, you can fully enjoy the indulgence without feeling guilty or deprived. Mindful eating can help prevent overeating, promote healthy digestion, and foster a positive relationship with food.

In summary, conscious consumption of freeze-dried candy involves approaching snacking with mindfulness and a balanced perspective. By practicing moderation, including a variety of nutritious foods in your diet, staying hydrated, engaging in regular physical activity, and practicing mindful eating, you can enjoy freeze-dried candy as part of a healthy lifestyle while supporting overall health and well-being.

Freeze-Dried Candy FAQ’s

As consumers become more curious about freeze-dried candy, it’s natural to have questions about its production, health benefits, and consumption. Addressing frequently asked questions can provide valuable information and help individuals make informed decisions about incorporating freeze-dried candy into their diet.

What is Freeze-Dried Candy?

Freeze-dried candy is a type of confectionery that undergoes a preservation process called freeze-drying. This process involves freezing the candy and then removing moisture through sublimation, resulting in a light and crispy texture.

How is Freeze-Dried Candy Made?

Freeze-dried candy is made by first freezing the candy at extremely low temperatures. It is then placed in a vacuum chamber, where the frozen water content undergoes sublimation, transforming from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase.

Is Freeze-Dried Candy Healthier Than Traditional Candy?

Freeze-dried candy may offer certain health benefits compared to traditional candy, such as lower calorie and sugar content, higher nutrient density, and portion control. However, it’s important to enjoy freeze-dried candy in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

What Are the Health Considerations of Freeze-Dried Candy?

While freeze-dried candy is lower in calories and sugar compared to traditional candy, it’s essential to consider factors such as portion sizes, ingredient quality, and overall dietary habits. Practicing moderation and mindful eating can help promote a balanced approach to consumption.

Are There Any Nutritional Benefits to Eating Freeze-Dried Candy?

Freeze-dried candy made from real fruits and other wholesome ingredients can be a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. The freeze-drying process preserves the natural nutrients of the ingredients, making freeze-dried candy a nutrient-dense snack option.

How Should Freeze-Dried Candy Be Stored?

Freeze-dried candy should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Proper storage helps maintain the freshness and quality of the candy for longer periods.

Can Freeze-Dried Candy Be Made at Home?

While commercial-grade freeze-drying equipment is typically used to produce freeze-dried candy on a large scale, it is possible to make freeze-dried candy at home using specialized home freeze-drying machines. However, the process can be time-consuming and requires careful attention to detail.

What Are Some Popular Flavors of Freeze-Dried Candy?

Freeze-dried candy comes in a variety of flavors, including fruit flavors such as strawberry, raspberry, and mango, as well as chocolate, caramel, and other indulgent options. The wide range of flavors allows consumers to find their favorite treats to enjoy.

By addressing these frequently asked questions, consumers can gain a better understanding of freeze-dried candy and make informed decisions about incorporating it into their diet. Whether seeking information about production methods, health considerations, or flavor options, these FAQs provide valuable insights for anyone curious about freeze-dried candy.

Ready to Taste Your Own Freeze-Dried Candy?

After learning about the production, health considerations, and benefits of freeze-dried candy, you might be eager to try it for yourself. Here’s a guide to getting started with freeze-dried candy and exploring the delicious world of crunchy, flavorful treats.

Select Your Favorite Flavors:

Freeze-dried candy comes in a variety of flavors, from classic fruit options like strawberries and bananas to indulgent chocolate-covered treats. Consider your flavor preferences and choose a selection of candies to try.

Find a Reliable Supplier:

Look for a reputable supplier or retailer that offers high-quality freeze-dried candy made from real ingredients. Check customer reviews and ratings to ensure you’re getting the best possible products.

Explore Different Brands and Varieties:

Experiment with different brands and varieties of freeze-dried candy to find your favorites. Some brands may offer unique flavors or combinations that appeal to your taste buds.

Consider Health and Nutrition:

While freeze-dried candy can be a healthier alternative to traditional sweets, it’s essential to consider factors such as portion sizes and ingredient quality. Opt for candies made from real fruits and other wholesome ingredients for a nutritious snack option.

Try DIY Freeze-Drying:

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try making your own freeze-dried candy at home using a home freeze-drying machine. This allows you to customize flavors and ingredients to suit your preferences and experiment with different recipes.

Plan a Tasting Party:

Invite friends or family over for a freeze-dried candy tasting party and sample a variety of flavors together. Share your thoughts and opinions on different candies and discover new favorites together.

Incorporate Freeze-Dried Candy into Recipes:

Get creative in the kitchen and incorporate freeze-dried candy into your favorite recipes. Whether it’s topping off desserts, adding a crunchy texture to salads, or mixing into baked goods, freeze-dried candy can elevate a wide range of dishes.

Enjoy in Moderation:

While freeze-dried candy can be a delicious and satisfying snack option, it’s essential to enjoy it in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Practice portion control and mindful eating to savor the flavors without overindulging.

By following these tips, you can embark on a flavorful journey into the world of freeze-dried candy and discover a new favorite snack that satisfies your sweet cravings while nourishing your body with wholesome ingredients. Whether you’re trying freeze-dried candy for the first time or looking to expand your palate, there’s a world of crunchy, flavorful treats waiting to be explored.

Freeze-Dried Candy FAQ’s

As interest in freeze-dried candy continues to grow, it’s common for consumers to have questions about this unique snack. Here are some frequently asked questions along with detailed answers to help you better understand freeze-dried candy:

What is Freeze-Dried Candy?

Freeze-dried candy is a type of confectionery that undergoes a preservation process called freeze-drying. This involves freezing the candy and then removing moisture through sublimation, resulting in a light and crispy texture.

How is Freeze-Dried Candy Made?

Freeze-dried candy is made by first freezing the candy at extremely low temperatures. It is then placed in a vacuum chamber, where the frozen water content undergoes sublimation, transforming from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase.

Is Freeze-Dried Candy Healthier Than Traditional Candy?

Freeze-dried candy may offer certain health benefits compared to traditional candy, such as lower calorie and sugar content, higher nutrient density, and portion control. However, it’s essential to enjoy freeze-dried candy in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

What Are the Health Considerations of Freeze-Dried Candy?

While freeze-dried candy is lower in calories and sugar compared to traditional candy, it’s essential to consider factors such as portion sizes, ingredient quality, and overall dietary habits. Practicing moderation and mindful eating can help promote a balanced approach to consumption.

Are There Any Nutritional Benefits to Eating Freeze-Dried Candy?

Freeze-dried candy made from real fruits and other wholesome ingredients can be a good source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. The freeze-drying process preserves the natural nutrients of the ingredients, making freeze-dried candy a nutrient-dense snack option.

How Should Freeze-Dried Candy Be Stored?

Freeze-dried candy should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Proper storage helps maintain the freshness and quality of the candy for longer periods.

Can Freeze-Dried Candy Be Made at Home?

While commercial-grade freeze-drying equipment is typically used to produce freeze-dried candy on a large scale, it is possible to make freeze-dried candy at home using specialized home freeze-drying machines. However, the process can be time-consuming and requires careful attention to detail.

What Are Some Popular Flavors of Freeze-Dried Candy?

Freeze-dried candy comes in a variety of flavors, including fruit flavors such as strawberry, raspberry, and mango, as well as chocolate, caramel, and other indulgent options. The wide range of flavors allows consumers to find their favorite treats to enjoy.

By addressing these frequently asked questions, consumers can gain a better understanding of freeze-dried candy and make informed decisions about incorporating it into their diet. Whether seeking information about production methods, health considerations, or flavor options, these FAQs provide valuable insights for anyone curious about freeze-dried candy.

Ready to Taste Your Own Freeze-Dried Candy?

After learning about the production process, health considerations, and flavors of freeze-dried candy, you might be eager to experience its unique texture and taste for yourself. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started and enjoy your own freeze-dried candy:

Explore Flavor Options:

Start by exploring the wide variety of freeze-dried candy flavors available. From classic fruit options like strawberries and apples to more exotic choices like pineapple and coconut, there’s a flavor to suit every palate.

Find a Reliable Supplier:

Look for a reputable supplier or retailer that offers high-quality freeze-dried candy made from real ingredients. Consider factors such as customer reviews, product quality, and shipping options when choosing a supplier.

Select Your Favorites:

Once you’ve found a supplier, select a variety of freeze-dried candy flavors to try. Consider mixing and matching different flavors to create your own custom assortment.

Place Your Order:

Place your order with the supplier and wait for your freeze-dried candy to arrive. Many suppliers offer convenient online ordering and fast shipping options for added convenience.

Unpack and Inspect:

When your freeze-dried candy arrives, carefully unpack it and inspect each piece for freshness and quality. Look for any signs of damage or spoilage and contact the supplier if you have any concerns.

Store Properly:

Once you’ve inspected your freeze-dried candy, store it properly to maintain freshness and flavor. Keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Invite Friends or Family:

Consider inviting friends or family over to share in the experience of tasting freeze-dried candy together. Host a tasting party and sample a variety of flavors while sharing your thoughts and opinions.

Experiment with Recipes:

Get creative in the kitchen and experiment with incorporating freeze-dried candy into your favorite recipes. Try adding it to cereal, yogurt, ice cream, or baked goods for an extra burst of flavor and texture.

Enjoy in Moderation:

While freeze-dried candy can be a delicious and satisfying snack option, it’s important to enjoy it in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Practice portion control and mindful eating to savor the flavors without overindulging.

Share Your Experience:

Finally, share your experience with others and spread the joy of freeze-dried candy. Whether through social media posts, online reviews, or word-of-mouth recommendations, sharing your love of freeze-dried candy can help others discover this tasty treat.

By following these steps, you can embark on a flavorful journey into the world of freeze-dried candy and discover a new favorite snack that satisfies your sweet cravings while providing wholesome ingredients and unique textures. Enjoy the experience and savor every crunchy bite of your own freeze-dried candy adventure!

In conclusion

freeze-dried candy offers a delightful combination of flavor, texture, and nutritional benefits that make it a standout snack option in today’s market. Through the preservation process of freeze-drying, these candies retain the natural goodness of their ingredients while providing a light and crispy texture that tantalizes the taste buds. While enjoying freeze-dried candy, it’s essential to practice moderation, mindful eating, and incorporate it into a balanced diet alongside other nutritious foods. Whether you’re a fan of fruity flavors or indulgent chocolates, freeze-dried candy offers something for everyone to enjoy. So why not embark on your own freeze-dried candy adventure today? Explore the delicious world of crunchy, flavorful treats and discover a new favorite snack that satisfies your sweet cravings while nourishing your body with wholesome ingredients.

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